Friday, November 2, 2007


We made it to Dortmund this afternoon, warmed up, ate, found the hotel, and took to the track to race. This place is incredible, and the racing is brutal. Here's a short list to sum things up, I'll put together a real post in the morning:

-The track has a door in it that raises the whole surface in turn 2 enough to drive a car into.
-Said door opened to allow a Blues Brothers act to come on during the pro event.
-200 laps on a 200 meter track against these guys is really hard.
-We did pretty well, didn't crash, and even scored some sprint points.
-The announcer loves to yell "Erik ZAAABEEEEELLLLLLLL!!!"
-A temporary track means harsh vertical seams in the turns, that make it feel like someone is punching you in the groin 5+ times per lap.
-The seams don't bother you as much during the race, or at least you don't notice them as much.

Time for bed. Pictures and video to come tomorrow.

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